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b14g dualCORE Vault automates the process of staking your CORE across orders on Merge Marketplace to unlock highest dual-staking yields. Rewards are automatically claimed and reinvested daily, compounding your returns over time.
When you stake in the dualCORE Vault, you receive a liquid dual-staking token called dualCORE, which unlocks additional DeFi opportunities. For example, you can trade dualCORE on DEXs or use it as collateral for borrowing and lending (future dApp integrations are on the way).
It is perfect for those who want passive income without the hassle of managing assets manually—while keeping your assets liquid.
b14g dualCORE Vault is now live on Core mainnet at https://app.b14g.xyz/vaults/CORE
Staked CORE tokens earn staking rewards, but the trade-off is staked CORE are locked. While staked, CORE cannot be transferred, sold, or used in DeFi.
Liquid dual-staking (via dualCORE tokens) changes that. It lets you earn staking rewards, boosted dual-staking rewards, and daily compound interest without locking up your CORE tokens. With liquid dual-staking, you can transfer, sell, or put your tokens to work in DeFi, all while still earning rewards.
DualCORE is a liquid dual-staking token on the Core chain, acting as a receipt for staked CORE tokens.
When you deposit CORE into the dualCORE vault, it stakes your tokens in active orders on the b14g Merge Marketplace and issues you dualCORE tokens in return.
Unlike CORE, dualCORE automatically earns staking rewards, boosted dual-staking rewards, and daily compound interest. At any time, dualCORE can be used to redeem the underlying CORE.
No. At any time, dualCORE tokens can be used to redeem the underlying CORE.
Check this user guide.
dualCORE tokens are non-rebasing. This means that dualCORE constantly appreciate in value against the underlying CORE staked token. After the daily reward snapshot at 00:00 UTC, the amount of CORE that can be redeemed by 1 dualCORE increases. This happens because dualCORE tokens automatically accumulate staking rewards, dual-staking rewards, and daily compound interest.
Over time, 1 dualCORE becomes progressively more valuable in terms of CORE.
Rewards automatically accrue to the value of a dualCORE. This means that if you hold dualCORE, every day it will be worth slightly more CORE. This gradual appreciation in dualCORE value against the underlying CORE token is how users benefit from staking rewards, dual-staking rewards and daily compound interest.
With normal staking, your CORE token stay locked to earn staking rewards. You can’t do anything with it.
But with liquid dual-staking, you continue to earn staking rewards, dual-staking rewards, and benefit from daily compounding—while still being able to put your dualCORE tokens to work.
Future dApp integrations are on the way. Soon, you can trade dualCORE tokens on a DEX, provide liquidity on a DEX, use your dualCORE as collateral to take out a loan, collateralize a perpetual futures position, and more.